DREAM 77 (Multicolored)
...and the last sparkle was made, celestial blue was added and all shapes was gathered to create the NEW.
Dream 3 (Green)
We often do not see what lies behind the crown of the trees. If we go higher, the world will be different...
Dream 7 (Violet)
Entrance to the imaginary. You have to believe and go on the journey of the colored fantasy.
Dream 1 (Black&White)
The artificial bubble was builded. Your thoughts should stay here because the unexpected questions without answers will appear outside the bubble. There is possibility of new colors outside and it is to complicated for your hectic mind. Please, stay inside.
Dream 17 (Golden)
The golden moon was forgotten and lost. The land was changed...only memories and dreams left.
Consciousness holds your mind but falling to imaginary is going on. It is never stop, trust your imagination, follow, next dream will be open soon...
Dream 56 (Red)
The step was made and red appears. The hottest, burning emotions...


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